Monday, May 24, 2010

Our little one

This is the first video of Barrett after he was born. He was so peaceful! Immediately after birth I put him on my chest and we got to just snuggle and be together for a long time. Then they moved him over to the warming table to get his weight and stats - that's when this video was taken.

Romper Stomper

Here's Mr. Romper Stomper!!!!!

Sprinkler Time

Big Happy Family!

More Barrett Roen!

Welcome Barrett Roen!

The day before the big day

The day before I went in to have Barrett we had really warm weather and the kids had the chance to play in the sprinkler. It was not in the plan to have Russell play too, but as soon as he saw the girls out the window he was not going to take no for an answer! It was really nice to have a day like this before B made his big entrance!

New blog address

Yes! This is the new blog address! Why? Well, I'm not particularly paranoid, but, I figured I shouldn't have our family name in the address, just to be on the safe side. And (someday!) I would like to write more about what I cook and get input from all of you on recipes and cooking techniques. A few years ago Sean got me a kit to write my own cookbook and it's a work in progress and I would like your help! So, that explains the name of the blog.

Life is more than a little crazy right now but I'm going to do my very best to keep up the blogging!